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1. GESAMP, 1987. Land/Sea Boundary Flux of Contaminants: contribution from river. Report and Studies. No 32, UNESCO.

2. UNEP,1986. Problem of coastal transport of pollutals (MED, POV, VI).

3. UNEP, 1990. Transport and deposition of suspended matter in the North Sea and the relation to coastal siltation, pollution and bottom fauna distribution,

4.UNEP, 1987. Guidline for determining inputs of inorganocontaminats into estuaries.

5. UNEP, 1984. Pollutants from Land-Based Sources in the Mediterranean. Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 32.

6. UNEP, 1990. Transport of pollutants by sedimentation. Collected papers form the first mediterrean workshop.

7. Steven R. Butkus, Robert F. Cusimano and David E. Wright, 1999. Snohomish River Estuary Total Maximum Daily Load. Publication No. 99-57-WQ.

8. N. Margvelashvili, B. Robson, P. Sakov, I.T. Webster, J. Parslow, M. Herzfeld, J. Andrewartha, 2003. Numerical modelling of hydrodynamics, sediment transport and biogeochemistry in the Fitzroy Estuary. Coastal CRC Final Report, Technical report 9.

9. Christopher K. Sommerfield, 2003. Mechanisms of sediment deposition, erosion and long-term accumulation in the Hudson Estuary. Final report to Hudson River Foundation.

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