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1.      Swedish Corrosion Institute (2001). ICP Materials. UN ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. International Cooperative Programme on Effects on Materials, including Historic and CulturalMonuments.

2.      The Air Quality Monitoring Station at Hai Phong, 2003. Measured and Analyzed Results of the Air Quality 2003. Preserved at Institute of Environment and Resources, pp.1-21.

3.      The centre for Social sciences and Humanities, 2001 and 2002. Some of cultural heritage of Haiphong city.

4.      The Northern Marine Environment Monitoring Station, 2005, 2006. Annual Report on Marine Environmental Quality of the Northern part area. Documents were preserved at Institute of Marine Environment and Resources.

5.      Tran Van Dien, 2003. Establishment and application of a geographical information system, including spatial remote sensing applications, to support sustainable environmental planning in the northern coastal provinces of Quang Ninh and Hai Phong (VN). General project report, stored in the Haiphong Institute of Oceanology.

6.      Tran Dinh Lan, Nguyen Xuan Tuyen and Le Xuan Sinh, 2008. Pollution risk prediction and environmental protecting sollution proposition for Ben Rung industrial area, Thuy Nguyen District, Hai Phong (in Vietnamese). Project Final Report preserved in the Institute of Marine Environment and Resources.

7.      Tran Dinh Lan, Cao Thi Thu Trang, Nguyen Manh Thang et al, 2008. Basis study on environmental effects associated with mobility in Hai phong city, Vietnam. Scientific report. Storage in Insitute of Marine Environment and Resources.

8.      Tran Dinh Lan, 2003. Environmental Monitoring and Prediction (EMP) and Integrating EMP Data into Coastal Management Plan Development in Viet Nam. Final report. pp 15-38. Stored in the Haiphong Institute of Oceanology.

9.      Tran Duc Thanh, 2000.Application of remote sensing to evaluate the influences of coastal reclamation to evolvement of coastal Red River Delta. Stored in the Haiphong Institute of Oceanology.

10.  Tran Duc Thanh and et al, 2003. General Assessment of Wetland Potentiality, Using, Management in Hai Phong Coastal Zone to Propose Sensible Using Solutions. Project Report. Preserved in IMER.

11.  Tran Quoc Hoa, Pham Dinh Trong, Nguyen Xuan Duc, Nguyen Huy Yet, 1976. Investigation of Shrimp Larvae Source in Trang Cat Brackish Pond, Hai Phong. Document storing in Hai Phong Institute of Oceanology.

12.  Truong Ngoc An, 1978. Phytoplankton in Quang Ninh Marine Area. Document storing in Hai Phong Institute of Oceanology.

13.  Vietnamese Marine time Law, 2006. The transportation publication house.

14.  Viles HA, Taylor MP, Yates TJS & Massey SW (2002). Soilingand Decay of N.M.E.P. Limestone Tablets. The Science of Total Environment, 292, 215-229.

15.  Vu Doan Thai, 2007. The role of mangrove forest on minimizing the impacts of wave high and erosion in Hai Phong. PhD dissertation.

16.  Vũ Duy Vĩnh, 2007. Báo cáo chuyên đề "Mô hình lan truyền trầm tích lơ lửng và tràn dầu khu vực của sông Cấm-Bạch Đằng” thuộc Báo cáo tình trạng ô nhiễm và suy thoái cửa sông Cấm-Bạch Đằng và đề xuất các giải pháp bảo vệ.

17.  Watkiss P, Eyre N, Holland M, Rabl MA & Short N (2001). Impacts of Air Pollution on Building Materials.

18.  WWF Vietnam Marine Conservation Northern Survey Team, 1993. Survey Report on Biodiversity, Resource Utilization and Conservation Potential of Cat Ba Region, Hai Phong, Northern Vietnam. WWF International. Document storing in Institute of Marine Environment and Resources.

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