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Cong bo 65- Hoi nghi quoc te

Nguyen Chu Hoi, 1990 - Impact of economic activities on degradation of the coastal environment in Northern Vietnam and preliminary remedial measures. In Marine Coastal Eutrophication. International Conference Proceedings. Bologna, Italy.


Chu Van Thuoc, 1997. Preliminary results of phytoplankton observation at monitoring stations in some rivermouths of North Vietnam. ASEAN Marine Environmental Management: Quality criteria and monitoring for aquatic life and human health protection. Proc. of the ASEAN-Canada Tech. Conf. on Mar. Sc. (24-28 June, 1996), Penang, Malaysia, EVS Environment Consultants, North Vancouver and Depart. of Fisheries Malaysia, p.VI-43 - VI-52.


Nguyen Chu Hoi, 1994. Geo-ecology pertaining to coastal management in Vietnam. Proceeding of Regional Workshop on Coastal Management, Jakarta.

Nguyen Van Tien, 1994. Agarophytes and cultivation of Gracilaria in Vietnam. Abstracts 6th Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology (PACON). Townsville, Australia, 4-8, July, 1994: p.218


Nguyen Chu Hoi, 1995. Current status of coastal zone research relating to LOICZ issues in Vietnam. Second LOICZ Open Science Meeting Document on the Dynamics of Global Change in the Coastal Zone, Manila, Phipippines.

Nguyen Chu Hoi, 1995. Terms of reference for coastal and marine environmental planner (Ha Long bay area). ADBRETA 5552 project document. (36 Pages).

Nguyen Chu Hoi, 1995. Red River delta, Vietnam: Case study. Project EAS 35-UNEP Document, (co-authors).

Tran Duc Thanh, 1995. Coastal morphological changes concerning the management of coastal zone in Vietnam. Workshop Report No.105 Supplement UNESCO\IOC, p.451-462. Tran Duc Thanh, Tran Dinh Lan and Dinh Van Huy, 1997. Natural and human impact on the coastal development of Red River Delta. LOIZ Meeting Reports No. 29. Netherlands:  pp.224-229.


Nguyen Chu Hoi and others, 1996. Coastal and marine environmental management for Ha long bay, Vietnam. ADB document, Canada.

Nguyen Chu Hoi, 1996. The analyze conflicts in multiple use of coastal zone in the northern Vietnam. Proceedings of International Workshop on Coastal Zone Management in Developing Tropical Countries, Xiamen, China

Nguyen Chu Hoi et al, 1996. The current situation of marine pollution in Vietnam. End-of-Project: Conference ASEAN marine environmental management: quality criteria and monitoring for Aquatic Life and Human Health protection, Malaysia.

Nguyen Chu Hoi, 1996. Marine pollution monitoring in Vietnam: initiative results. Proceedings of inception workshop on marine pollution monitoring and information management network, Manila, Philippines.

Dinh Van Huy & Tran Duc Thanh, 1996. Preliminary application of remote sensing data for mangrove mapping in Bach Dang Estuary ( North Vietnam) . Proc. Reforestation and management of mangrove ecosystems in Vietnam. MERC, HIO, ACTMANG. Doson, 8-10 Oct, 1996: pp. 183-187.

Nguyen Thi Minh Huyen, Chu Van Thuoc and Nguyen Thi Thu (1996). The first records of some toxic phytoplankton species in Bach Long Vy waters.  ASEAN Marine Environmental Management: Quality criteria and monitoring for aquatic life and human health protection. Proc. of the ASEAN - Canada Tech. Conf. on Mar. Sc. (24-28 June, 1996), Penang, Malaysia, EVS Environment Consultants, North Vancouver and Depart. of Fisheries Malaysia, pp. VI-53 - VI-57.

Nguyen Thi Thu, Chu Văn Thuoc, 1996. Assessing water environmental quality in Ha Long Bay by plankton community. Proceedings of the ASEAN - Canada Technical  Conference on Marine Sience (24-28 June, 1996), Penang, Malaysia

Nguyen Van Tien, Dam Duc Tien, 1996. The seagrass beds from some remote islands in Vietnam. Abstracts 3th international congress on the Marine Biology of the South China sea (PACON). 8 Oct.-1 Nov. 1996, the University of Hong Kong.

Pham Dinh Trong, 1996. Biodiversity of Macrobenthos Communities in Mangroves in North Viet Nam and a Management Approach. Proceeding of  the  Meeting Report and Resources Volume for Tertiary Level Education and Traning in Coastal Zone Management. NETTLAP Publication No. 15, UNEP, Bangkok, Thailand, 1996


Nguyen Thi Phuong Hoa, 1997. Oil Pollution Relating to Maritime Activity in Ha Long Bay, Vietnam. Training Programme on Maritime Safety Management in Goteborg, Sweden.


Binh Trong Do, 1998. Calculating on primary production of phytoplankton in Ha Long bay, Vietnam. Proceeding of the fourth ASEAN-Canada Technical Conference on Marine Science (Towards sustainable Development and Integrated management of the Marine Environment in ASEN), Langkawi, Malaysia, 26-30 October, 1998: pp. 68-73.

Nguyen Thi Phuong Hoa, Luu Van Dieu, Pham Van Luong, 1998. Some Results from Marine Monitoring along the Northern Coast of Vietnam. Proceedings of ASEAN-Canada Cooperative Programme on Marine Science. Penang, Malaysia.

Nguyen Chu Hoi, 1998. The current situation of marine pollution in Viet Nam. Proceedings of the ASEAN-Canada technical on quality criteria and monitoring for aquatic life and human health protection, Penang, Malaysia.

Nguyen Chu Hoi, 1998. Organochlorinated pesticide residues in the  coastal marine environment and biota in some areas of Northern Viet Nam. Proceedings of the ASEAN - Canada technical on quality criteria and monitoring for aquatic life and human health protection, Penang, Malaysia.

Nguyen Chu Hoi, 1998. Coastal lagoon management in Central Viet Nam. Proceedings of LOIZ meeting on global change science in the coastal zone. No29, Netherlands.

Nguyen Chu Hoi, 1998. An assessment of contamination in the coastal waters of Viet Nam. 2nd International conference Proceedings on marine pollution and ecotoxicology, Hong Kong.

Dinh Van Huy, 1998. Coastal morphodynamics of Haiphong-Halong area and some related problems of coastal management. Proc. of the 4th International Scientific Sym. on Role of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Dev. 2-7 Feb. 1998. Okinawa, JAPAN. P.192-199.

Tran Duc Thanh, Tran Dinh Lan and Dinh Van Huy et all, 1998. Monitoring of tidal wetland distribution and its change in the coastal zone of North Vietnam using ADEOS\AVNIR data. 19th Asian Conference on remote sensing (ACRS). 16-20 Nov., 1998. Manila, Philippines.

Nguyen Van Tien, 1998. Species composition and distribution of seagrass in Viet Nam. Abstracts 3-rd International seagrass biology Workshop (ISBW). Quezon city, Philippines, 19-26 Apr. 1998: pp.88


Pham Dinh Trong, Do Cong Thung, 1999. Zoobenthos as the Bioindicators of water  quality in Halong bay, Vietnam. In: Proceedings of the fourth ASEAN Canada Technical Conference on Marine Science. Langkawi, Malaysia, October 26 - 30, 1998: pp. 272 - 288.


Tran Van Dien, 2000: Impact of Urbanization on Marine Water Quality of Ha Long Coastal Area, Vietnam: A Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Approach. Proceedings of Pacific Ocean Remote Sensing Conference, Goa, India, 5-8 December 2000, Vol. II, pp. 835-841.

Nguyen Chu Hoi, 2000. Marine conservation and pollution prevention in Viet Nam: Challenges and Opportunities. Workshop proceedings on Viet Nam and the Seas, Paris.

Tran Duc Thanh, Dinh Văn Huy, 2000. Coastal development of the Modern Red River Delta. Inter. Workshop on Deltas: their Dynamics, Facies and Sequences with special references to sea-level changes and human impacts. Tsukuba, Japan. 16-17 March, 2000. Abstracts and reports.

Do Cong Thung, 2000. Biodiversity of Molluscs in Halong Bay and Catba Islands. Proceedings of the 11th Congress & Workshop: Tropical Marine Mollusc  Programme, Thailand: pp. 369-372.


Nguyen Huu Cu, 2001. Overview of coastal hazards in Vietnam. Marine Science and Technology, the 6th Asean Science and Technology Week. Conference document, p. 93, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, Darussalam.

Dien, T.V., T.D.Thanh, D.V.Huy, T.D.Lan, N.V.Thao, 2001. Detecting the Inlet Change in Tam Giang - Cau  Hai Lagoon, Vietnam Centre, and a Contribution from Remote Sensing Data. In Muralikrishna I.V. (Editor): "Spatial Information Technology Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems”, BS Publications, India: pp. 647-651.

Tran Duc Thanh, Tran Van Dien, Tran Dinh Lan, 2001. Monitoring and predictingthe coastal flood in the Vietnam Center using ALOS satellite data. Proc. The first ALOS PI Workshop. NASDA. Disaster management. 28 - 30 March, 2001. Kogakuin Univ. Tokyo: pp. 1-3.

Tran Duc Thanh, Tran Dinh Lan, Dinh Van Huy and Yoshiki Saito, 2001. Some main features of the bottom topography and the latest Pleistocene-Holocene sediments on the shelf of the Tonkin Gulf. Proc. First IGCP 464 Annual Conference: "Continental Shelves during the Last Glacial Cycle: Knowledge and Applications”, Hong Kong University, 25th-28th October 2001: pp. 40-42.

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